3rd of October 2009, which in Chinese calendar is middle of the eighth month of a year, which is Mid Autumn Festival aka Mooncake Festival, which is a very good and ideal day for good event(喜事), which we called 花好月圆 。
As the "Brothers(兄弟)", we arrived at the Groom - Wee Tat's house at 7am in the morning to do the preparation.

Breakfast before starting the important mission.

Soon Chern said he got 2 wives.

Wee How was testing his camera so that it is in perfect condition when shooting the pictures of all the pretty "ji mui(姐妹)". Yeah, he is interested in one of the "ji mui (姐妹)", haha...

The "Heng Tai(兄弟)" watching the footage of other people's wedding in order to know how to be "tortured" at the bride's house. Yeah, watch and learn...

Wee Tat the Groom, taiko of the day. He was well prepared! From his face, you can see the smile of happiness 幸福的笑容 ^.^


Here started the RPG game.

Read out loud!!!

Handsome Groom & Pretty Bride.

Photo of Bride and Groom with all the "Brothers(兄弟)".
Wish Wee Tat and wife live happily ever after...
For those who attended the wedding, for complete collection and full size pictures, you may request from me and I'll send you personally whenever I'm free
which I always notMore video can get from
Wee How's blog.
hmm....nice "presentation"...
ooi....what r u talking about? (interested in 1 of "ji mui")
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