I was back to day shift on Fri last week. I slept less than 2 hours and went to work, and Sat, I was really damn sleepy after lunch hour, nearly collapsed,... Hopefully nothing went wrong ya... Sunday, I slept from 7am till 4pm and Monday, I wanna force myself to adjust back to normal life since I'll start to work 9am shift from Tue onwards. So,... The whole Sunday night I DID NOT SLEEP, and until Monday morning, which was yesterday morning, I straight away went to Puchong to settle my money matter. I went to PBB, OCBC and CIMB (as if so much money to be handled -_-"). My plan was to stay awake the whole Monday so that I'll manage to sleep at Monday night.

Reached PBB Puchong at 9am,.. PBB seems not yet opened. So, I went for my breakfast. 1st thing to order needless to say, was a cup of coffee, then a bowl of 苦瓜米粉 since I never heard or eat this (eat half way only remember that I forgot to take pic, sleepy la,...). After my breakfast, I straight away dash to PBB. Damn lucky, no need to wait for long, just right after I pressed the number and straight away my number appeared on the 'ding dong'. After settling my RM100 million in PBB, I drove down to OCBC @ Bandar Puteri. Wow,.. OCBC @ BANDAR PUTERI IS FULL OF HOT-CHICK STUFFS!!!!! Friendly helpful skirt wearing OL are all around!!! All of a sudden, I "power up"!!! After OCBC, I went to CIMB and finally, my money matter was settled!!! Since already near Giant, I just go inside and see whether there is anything worth for buying. But too bad,... Nothing______
After that, I drove down to Tesco since I long time nvr been there. Bought a Maggi chicken, tiny brush for my dirty 洗脸盆(my housemate is damn dirty and NEVER clean toilet as well as 洗脸盆)and of coz, a LIVITA since I need to recharge and not planning to go back so early.
After drinking Livita,... I straight away drove down to 1U to have my hair cut @ one of my favorite saloon, Monsoon-ID. I desperately need some massage and relax. This time, the massage is on my head. I knew my stylish Jimmy is off today, but I just cannot wait and wanna get my hairdo done. Ching Wong was the one who served me, errr,.. not bad though. A talkative gal with good skill and I'm quite satisfied with the haircut. After the haircut, I just walked around 1U for few minutes then go down to Mid Valley, haha...

Damn,.. 1U was so damn easy to find a parking, but how come MV so damn crowded with carsssss in the parking lot??? Come on man, taiko here is lacking of sleep and feeling blur blur now, still want me to put so much effort on finding parking??? FU all!!! With all the effort contributed, I eventually manage to get a good parking which was near to the entrance. Wow, just by the time I entered MV, got 2 hot chicks appeared in front of me,... Fair, firm, smooth complexion with cute and pretty look,.. I "power up" again!!! Damn,... so many leng luissss in MV, why none of them are belong to me??? NOT FAIRRR!!! Planned to buy some shirt at MV but cannot get any... Saw the shoes I planned to buy at JJ, but is in blue -_-" Does it come in black??? Hopefully can get the black one in JJ so that I can earn more JCard point instead of getting nothing if buy at Nike outlets. Cross over to The Garden to see whether there is some special thing for me to see, but sadly nothing there as well. Oh wait, there is a Maxis center there, y dun just ask them to fix my GPRS/3G/WAP problem since Im free now???

After buying these,... I only realise that I planned to buy the durian pillow thingy as well,... Eh boss,... 吃榴莲不可以喝酒啦!Damn,... Finally I gave up the idea of buying durian thingy, but when I drove out the parking lot, I suddenly have the feeling that I should buy it, because,... YOU CAN EAT THEM SOME OTHER DAYS MAH, NOT ASKING U TO EAT IT NOW/TODAY TOGETHER WITH BEER OSO!!! Sigh~~~ I always make the wrong decision and I'm used to it liao.

And last but not least, Im writing this blog in DRUNK condition, so, if there is anything wrong, just UNDERSTOOD la,... hehehohohahahihihuhu,...
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