Dinner before watching How To Train Your Dragon.
Movie is awesome...
Dining also not bad...

My first time visit to Esquire Kitchen.



We ordered fish strip. But when it came, nothing tasted like fish in the entire dish.
Finally, in the receipt mentioned it was pork strip...
蚝油芥兰菜 Gai Lan with oyster oil. This cost RM13.00

haha this shop famous expensive lor.... how was the movie???
Baby - Only realize after getting the receipt >.< My fren said it is 魚香肉絲, which is something like fish flavor meat floss... But it is not so bad after all...
Kevin - The movie is awesome... Will write some 观后感 later on... Working nightshift this whole month, sigh~~~
U there got nightshift or not?
We do have night shift but me, don't need to do night shift cos the account that i support is in day time, u know last time Koh support what account, then u know it.... But soon i gonna say good bye2 u all lor.....
Koh is taiko over here already... Heheh...
I hope I can cabut also :(
y u wanna cabut???? or u have msn or ym???? add n chat there.... here quite danger....
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