This time, not much twists, but still mindblowing.
The idea is fresh and great.
The story moving in fast pace and make audience feel the intensity.
I like the planning part. It makes me feel like I am one of them, and it is much better than the Ocean series (Ocean 11, 12, 13).
Feel like a lot of things happen in this movie, all in proper sequence.

Powerful cast.
Leonardo DiCaprio - Same as usual. The acting skill is there but his voice not so suitable to play a persuasive person. Ya, he sounds like a boy, not yet a man.
Ken Watanabe - Eventhough hard to understand his Japanglish, but his height and outlook always make him look like a taiko/boss. Too bad of the injury though...
Joseph Gordon-Levitt - Not really like him to play Arthur, the Point Man. Could be better if portrait-ed by Ewan Mcgregor/Orlando Bloom/Ryan Reynolds? Joseph Gordon-Levitt is still more suitable to play the role in (500) Days of Summer.
Marion Cotillard - Mal!!! She is damn elegant, beautiful, dangerous and a bit scary in this movie, makes me so excited every time she appears.
Ellen Page - Finally she doesn't look like Juno anymore. She definitely can lead the role in this movie.
Cillian Murphy - One of my favorite actor. Too bad there is not much space for him to present his acting skill under this role.
杜琪峰has his own favorite casts - 林雪、张兆辉、任达华
Christopher Nolan's favorite casts - Michael Caine, Christian Bale, Cillian Murhy and Ken Watanabe.

