After the super duper intense gym session (forced by my so called "personal trainer" to do the workout which only can be done by Popeye the Sailorman) last Friday, I basically felt like collapsing and super hungry eventhough I had my dinner before going for gym. This cafe seems like another newly opened one in Mid Valley (opposite Starbucks).
Main entrance.
The bird cages are the main attraction in the whole interior.
Got some sofas for people to relax while having their meal or desserts after the tiring job.
Got tree inside also, but in white color, hehe...
Promotion/Highlight 2.
Utensils are clean and shinny.
Come with free skyjuice. Very suitable for those who just out from the gym, sauna and steamroom.

Hot honey lemon comes with biscuits.

Ice lemon tea.
Duck red curry.
Thai sea bass.
Menu for 2.
Overall, the environment are design in a relaxing way. But, the ambient was kinda noisy, everybody talked loudly and proudly and make me thought as if I was in Kim Gary (which we planned to go at first but full house).
Now, come to the food. Eventhough the cafe is called Delicious, but the foods and drinks are totally the contrary to its name. We shouldn't have came here but to Chilis.
Anyway, anyone who wanna have a try can visit their website at DELIcious
The good thing about their website is, the prices are listed down so that people can plan what to eat as well as managing budget before stepping in.

Overall, the environment are design in a relaxing way. But, the ambient was kinda noisy, everybody talked loudly and proudly and make me thought as if I was in Kim Gary (which we planned to go at first but full house).
Now, come to the food. Eventhough the cafe is called Delicious, but the foods and drinks are totally the contrary to its name. We shouldn't have came here but to Chilis.
Anyway, anyone who wanna have a try can visit their website at DELIcious
The good thing about their website is, the prices are listed down so that people can plan what to eat as well as managing budget before stepping in.