Haha,.. Im stilllll drunk,... this time,.. some beers came along to make me more drunk

Yeah, one of my favourite beer, Tiger is joining the party...

Heavenly cool...


Still 'sweating'...

Here comes the Carlsberg...

All of a sudden!!!!&*(^&*^T&*($^^&%# The cover is stucked together with the stopper, I had no choice but to cut off the entire cover with my Gundam nipper.

Here is how the bottle looks like without the top...

The cover which stuck together with the stopper... Any advice on how to separate them?

Aiya, cut my fingers when tying to split them apart...

Since I cannot keep the liquor without the cover and stopper for long,... I got no choice but to finish it up ASAP....
So,.. Monday bought it and Fri finished it,... damnnnnn,....